Wednesday, January 4, 2012


DAY ONE     
1. Describe your experience taking the Maglev train
2. Name and briefly explain two scientific principles of the maglev train
3. How does the invention of the Maglev train have an impact on the environment?

1.      The Maglev train ride was quite an interesting experience, this is very different from other regular train rides. This train travels at 431 KM/H for only some times, if it was longer, it would have been more amazing. It feels really cool when two trains pass by one another, there is a sound produced that seems like the trains “bumped” one another, but that isn’t the case.

2.      Centre of gravity and magnetic forces. When the train tilts and makes a curve or turn, it ensures that the line of action of the centre of gravity lies between the base area of the train ensuring it is stable. The other principle is the principle of  magnetic forces (repulsion) whereby it makes the train levitate and “float” above a layer of air and as the magnet on the train and the magnet on the train track repels, it propels the train forward.

3.      The magnets used through the maglev train journey, requires only electricity (NOT producing any harmful gases) to function, but regular trains using fossil fuels or whatsoever would emit harmful gases.

1. How is colour bring used in the Song Dynasty?
2. What did you observe in the tower and how is it being used in current products?

1.      In the past, they have been using colours to represent different rankings of the generals, sergents and even the king! In short, everyone. For an example, only the emperor was allowed to have dragon in yellow. As an elaboration, Yue Fei being the 1st ranking General after he died, he got a purple coat.

2.      The Leifeng Pagoda tower has its unique use of colours like gold. Gold was used for the tip of the pagoda, it was somewhat a colour for making the pagoda look much finer and beautiful. In current situations, it can be seen around the streets that women, and men are putting those on. It portrays them as elegant and “’classy”. Like in jewellery.

1. What’s your perception before and after the CIP?
2. What have you learnt from the CIP?
3. What were the difficulties your faced while teaching the students and how did you overcome them?

1.      Before the CIP began, I thought the school would be up in the mountains and the conditions of the school would be pathetic like having broken tables. No fans, and no proper books to study from. Once I was at the entrance of the school, there were boys and girls with their red costumes, and they looked very adorable. They started to hit the drums as we entered; it gave me a feeling of a “VIP”. That was a really warm welcome! They are totally the opposite of what I expected, they are a bunch of bubbly students in a welcoming school!
2.      BE LESS EGOISTIC. You can see the children being “heck-care” about what others think of them and just bold-ly take up the challenge of performing in front of us. If our ego is placed too high, we are not going to enjoy life as much as they do!

3.      The difficulty was the language barrier, I could barely speak mandarin, I tried to speak but failed, so I asked for a friend to translate for me.

1. Compare the differences in classroom teaching and learning between SKSS and Taicang exp. Middle school.
2. What is one good quality you have learnt from your interaction with the students and how are you going to apply it?

1.      Basically, teaching and learning in skss and taicang exp. Middle school is distinctively different. From what I have asked and heard, the do not exactly have a science laboratory to do their practical experiments. Also, they learn English from textbooks but we just receive notes and learn through communication. In short, SKSS got the chance to do hands-on activities in a lab and we learn through communicating (mostly). I feel that SKSS should allow or implement learning of English to be from textooks, as it can be observed that our command of English is mostly from communication and at (most of the time) we are hearing, speaking unacceptable English. Ashamed to see the China buddy of mine doing his workbook at a fast rate and getting majority of the questions correct, it makes me feel that we are too far from their diligence level. Kudos to them!

“Keep unnecessary words to yourself”
I put my hats off to them, they are quiet when they are expected to be, hardworking and efficient. The class is always attentive whenever the teacher speaks. In Singapore, students are just too egoistic, they always feel that to answer a question with a wrong answer, it is shameful, hence they waste time and do not even try. In china, when the students are told to answer, they answer with pride and answer on the spot even if they feel that it may not be correct. How to apply this, be confident with your answer, learn from your mistakes. It was a wonderful experience!

1.Suzhou is a place with preserved historical sites such as the tiger hill. As a younger generation , what will you do to preserve singapore’s history?

2.Compare the differences of the streets in Suzhou and shanghai.

1.      I would ensure that my children of the future to have exposures at these sites such as merlion, Asian civilization museum. One way to do so is to give quality and constructive time to them and bring them on outings making sure that they themselves as singaporeans would have a good grasp of the history of Singapore. From this, I would try to spread to others the history of Singapore despite being a young and geographically small city.
2.      In Suzhou, and likewise in shanghai it can be observed that the streets have some trams passing by the streets and both the streets are beautifully lit. However, Suzhou and shanghai’s streets are different as suzhou’s streets has shops in modern design, but in shanghai it is quite ancient. Lastly, Suzhou is less crowded than shangai’s street.
DAY SIX       
1. What interests you the most at the science and tech. museum? Why?
2. If you were to create a robot, what would it be used for? Why?

1.      The museum is the best museum I have been to, it is of so much fun, I loved most of the exhibits, but if I had to choose, it would be the human digestion system section. Basically, there was several attractions under this section, it made learning more interactive and enjoyable, whereas other exhibitions in various countries have not been as successful at fulfilling that element of fun-ness. Also, being a non-biology student and being foreign to that subject, the contents of the exhibits became more alive and interesting to me.

2.      I would create a robot specialized in cooking food and doing household chores. I know I am just too spoilt! Hah! Anyway, I am just a lazy bump and hope everything is done for me. I would then have my plate of food whenever I want it. Next, my parents can then skip tiring themselves out making food for my family. Afterall, they deserve their break after a long day at work!

1. How has your impression of China changed in the last few days?
2. In you opinion, what are some similarities between Singapore and china?
3. List and explain three of the most memorable experiences.
4. List and explain 3 things you have learnt about yourself and your life.
First impression
Final Impression (now)
They are unfriendly
Only some
They have only teas in their restaurants
They serve carbonated drinks as well
They do not have delicious food here
They do!

Th  Similarities between china and sgp.:
They have branded apparels for sale, like in singapore
There are places as advanced as sgp
They have many high-rise buildings

YueFei Masoleum
I can tell you that my knowledge of this yuefei story or whatsoever stories like this, is very limited. When I got to know about it, I became keener into wanting to know more. I will surely go home and search on in in youtube.
The Science and tech museum
This is the best museum. Trust me, it rocks to the core! It has the wonderful exhibits and are interactive making learning out-of-this-world!
The Ocean Aquarium
There was a section whereby we are allowed to touch the sharks, but I still dint dare to touch them with bare hands. So, I am still bearing a hope to overcome that fear!

4.      I learnt that parents and family are who you will live best with after trying to adapt 8 days just completely with friends , I am messy in organizing stuffs as my roommate is so much tidier, and I can do anything if I do not think too negatively about it.

-JASON ONG (class 3E1 of 2011 )

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